Sunday, November 14, 2010

Best Food To Eat To Help you Get Pregnant Fast

Modern medicine allows the day of intercourse in all months of pregnancy only in the first weeks and the last of it, to be done with caution and courtesy on the part of the man who has to avoid penetration and deep pressure directly on the belly of a pregnant woman, it also needs to take sexual positions most suitable for intercourse in order to the fetus.

But he has to refrain from sexual intercourse once in the following cases:

1. Warning or threat of abortion.
2. Tmchat bloody appearance in the vagina.
3. Infection pregnant vaginal infections or gonorrhea.
4. Risk of giving birth prematurely.
5. During the first and last months of pregnancy.

Food carrier

It should be understood clearly that eating mother a sufficient quantity of food types that are in need, more important than eating much of any food whatsoever. And a pregnant woman not to trust the advice of any person that they should eat twice as much as you eat before pregnancy, because the double not only been eating to obesity is natural that lead to birth complications.

The carrier says:
What if we were, we women, we are in the biggest appetite during pregnancy, and need more than the amount of food?

It is true that a pregnant woman's appetite for food and their need for food to little more than the ability of ordinary women, but that the amount of calories needed by a pregnant woman are the same as non-pregnant women need, an increase of 250 calories a day. No one believe that the large number of food may increase the size of the fetus or that I have said leads to weakness and death, this is a serious error, since pregnant women need a balanced diet to provide him her baby with all the necessary materials necessary, without harm to their health or deformation strength.

The food you eat mother go to the properties of blood, and when the materials needed to build the body are found in the blood of the mother, the fetus is able to grow a natural growth, but if the mother's diet does not contain the necessary materials and vitamins may damage the baby down.

Therefore, stress that it must not exceed the amount of food consumed when a pregnant woman on the amount that used in ordinary days or decrease it, with the increase in some minerals and vitamins necessary, and if they followed the carrier of this important principle in the system of feeding have succeeded in overcoming various difficulties and problems caused by the increase or decrease weight.

The body of a pregnant woman needs to be six major elements:

1. Water (liquid)
2. Azotobacteraceae (Articles Synovial) (Proteins)
3. Lipids (Fats).
4. Carbohydrates (Carbohydrates)
5. Minerals (Minerals)
6. Vitamins (Vitamins)

All these elements are essential for movement, growth, and switch the cells, which are found in various foods that we eat every day or less. If lack of food from the Food For a pregnant woman to replace it with another diet, and only upset the body and disrupt the growth of the fetus.

This is divided into various foods into six categories will be addressed, namely:

1 - the category of milk and dairy products:

The milk is the greatest and most useful food for pregnant women because it is a large amount of calcium, protein and minerals necessary for building bones and muscles fetus, as it contains all kinds of vitamins essential for the body of a pregnant woman. And the required quantity of milk for pregnant women is one liter per day, or four cups regular not to mention the cheese that contains ample amounts of calcium, phosphorus and vitamins every ounce of cheese is equivalent to kilograms of milk. So it must be milk is the staple food during pregnancy.

2 - Vegetables:

Of the most important vegetables that should be addressed to the holder: carrots, green beans, cabbage, grape leaves, spinach, potatoes, green bell pepper, and eaten vegetables the most important elements it is sufficient to place it in boiling water for ten minutes.

The holder can eat vegetables in the authority consisting of lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage and green pepper.

3 - and citrus fruits:

Contain the necessary amount of vitamins to the body of a pregnant woman, the most important vitamin (Vit. C.) which is of great importance in feeding the human cells so I would advise a pregnant woman eating a meal or two or more of fruit per day.

4 - meat, eggs and fish:

Synovial materials that build bone and muscle, so called: Article manpower. The fetus grows and grows in the womb of the mother only if there are materials albumin in their diet and these are present in meat, eggs, fish, and milk. It also must contain a food stand on the eggs daily, preferably two eggs have to solve all kinds of fish and marine animals replace meat in terms of nutrition and interest.

5 - bread, wheat and cereals:

Most important types of vitamin contained by this category of foods is vitamin (b) (B) There are a lot of wheat, which is what pregnant women need more than others. In order to compensate the holder of this amount should be required to eat the loaf or more per day of brown bread because it has a crust of wheat flour.

6 - butter and margarine:

I would advise a pregnant woman not to eat too much fatty foods, especially in the second stage of pregnancy, including butter, margarine and oils because they are rich only vitamin (a) (A) only, which is located in the rest of the foods, and it should reduce the intake of salt because it raises blood pressure and trap fluid in the body which helps to pre-eclampsia, and that it should avoid canned food, sauces, pickles and spices, as the cause of these disorders in the stomach and hardship in the digestion and swelling in the abdomen and inconvenience continuous.

Must also reduce the drinking of stimulants such as tea and coffee, not drinking too much fluid so as not to exceed liter and a half liter of water a day.

Weight Control:

After the third month of pregnancy weight pregnant woman starts growing, gradually, and increases until the end of pregnancy, including about a dozen kilograms. If the weight increased, the amount of fifteen kilograms and above, it becomes an unusual and non-preferred.

You should note that the most serious threats to your health is obesity and overweight, so you control your weight down and consult a doctor to help you develop a proper nutritious diet with fewer calories, more than the necessities for your health and the health of your child.