Thursday, November 18, 2010

Will you be able to have children after five years?

Do you think in procreation? If so, you may not be plenty of time to give birth without problems as you think, but maybe you can do some steps now to improve your chances of reproduction.

To assist in judging the development of fertility, you do not need to think carefully about the following questions:

- Thblgin How old are you?

Of course do not mean this question is that we know your age, but to know the real relationship to reproduction age, Thus, life is the biggest factor in determining fertility, but more advanced methods of fertility treatment can not restore back the clock.

Says Pamela Madsen, director in charge of "the American Federation of Fertility," The women delayed childbirth until later, noting that this is the main reason behind the problems of child-bearing in America now.

Some researchers believe that fertility reaches its peak when women are in the second half of the second decade of age, as studies show they are up to the peak in the first half of the third decade, and then begin the eggs lose the properties of quality and quantity.

But when a woman in her thirties, she may not want to wait another ten years to start reproduction again.

At the age of 35, can be three-quarters of women give birth without receiving any treatment, but at the age of forty, the other half of them they can have children without treatment, according to what Dr. Owen Davis, director of the IVF program in the Cornell Medical Center in New York.

The ratio drops to only 10 per cent in women over the age of 45 years.

As well as the proportion of births to five neighborhoods with age after the age of thirty, A study in which half a million women in Denmark that half of all births to women in the forty-second session of age lost their pregnancy, or newborn baby died at birth.

But there is advice here is that women start pregnancy before the age of thirty without resorting to any treatment.

- Do you smoke?

Women who smoke increase the chances of eradication of fertility at any age, not only in a specific age, so that the eggs exposed to nicotine will not affect the quality of oocytes, but also reduces the quantity and number.

The greater the number of cigarettes you smoke a day of women, the lower the chances of reproduction and pregnancy.

Smoking is also working to increase the chances of spinsterhood and early menopause prematurely.

The good news is that stopping smoking now increases the chances of giving birth before it is too late.

- Is your weight healthy and normal?

Overweight or under weight for natural displays of fertility and reproductive opportunities for risk, if a woman is thin too much, and if the weight exceeds the limits, they certainly will not be able to conceive naturally or whom have untreated.

If the menstrual cycle, the normal weight women would not affect the reproductive capacity and the situation, "says Brian Cowan, head of gynecological diseases and obesity at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.

In any case, women can begin their follow-up to this moment and determine whether they are skinny or fat, and whether its monthly regular or irregular, and it must begin to address the imbalance is clear in this area.

- The treatments are taking?

There are thousands of prescriptions and medicines and herbal remedies that can affect fertility, but the main concern is the quality of treatment that may affect the body's secretion of some hormones affecting the body's secretion of eggs
Important issues

That there are many important issues in pregnancy and childbirth, the most important non-infection of sexually transmitted disease, treatment of these diseases early will not affect the chances of pregnancy and childbearing, but the delay in treatment may harm these opportunities often.

Another issue related to whether there was any difficulty in the last process of the birth, even Caesarean section will not affect the chances of reproduction, unless it is to do with tissue.

Irregular menstrual cycle is important for pregnancy and thus to give birth, if longer than necessary, more than 36 days, or less than necessary, less than 22 days, this may indicate that the ovaries do not function normally, and thus may affect the pregnancy .

Among the issues the task of being subjected to pressure, if women are exposed to daily stress, this may affect the chances of pregnancy, but this issue is not crucial, since some doubt that the pressure effect on the pregnancy, but others confirm this.

Since some experts say that the pressure may reduce the chances of the hormone estrogen, but other experts have not found any link between the hormone and the daily pressures.

It is also important in promoting the chances of pregnancy and reproduction of natural, healthy food, so that eating lots of fruits and vegetables is one of the things good and appropriate, that they contain nutrients necessary for the body as well as minerals and vitamins necessary to maintain a healthy body.